5.2 Obtaining Support

There are various ways of obtaining support for mFTP.

5.21 Via a Vapor Web Site

There are two web sites where you will be able to obtain support for mFTP. The official Vapor web site and its mirrors:

http://www.vapor.com [main site]
http://vapor.ukonline.co.uk [United Kingdom mirrored site]

If you go into the /products/mFTP section you will be able to find the latest information about mFTP, new updates etc.

5.22 Via the Vapor FTP Site

You can use the Vaporware FTP site to download your mFTP updates and other Vaporware software. Remember that mFTP-NG now supports full internal FTP access.

ftp.vapor.com [Main Vaporware FTP site]

5.23 Via the mFTP Mailing List

There are a number of mailing lists which provide a forum for discussing issues regarding the various Vaporware products. To get help about using a listserver, write to listserv@vapor.com and put the word HELP in the body of the message (subject is ignored).

The listserver you will be interested in joining is the mFTP mailing list.

Mail to: mFTP-request@vapor.com

To subscribe, put SUBSCRIBE in the body.

Press send mail and the message will be sent to the mFTP mailing list. When you are connected you will receive an automatic mail which informs you that you are connected.

To send a message to the mFTP mailing list post a message to mFTP@vapor.com and it will be received by everyone else on this list.